What is a Periodontist?
New York periodontists deal with the supporting foundation of a tooth’s structure, as well as managing and treating the diseases and conditions that affect them. Gingivitis is a common example of a periodontal disease. Periodontitis is cause by untreated gingivitis and as such, is more severe. This can present itself as chronic, aggressive, necrotizing and other sub-categories that are cause for immediate treatment by a New York periodontist. These diseases cause the gums to separate from teeth and become infected which can lead to the destruction of gum tissue and oral bone structures as well as teeth to become so loose that they need to be removed, leaving the mouth in an aesthetically unpleasing state.
Someone who is affected by periodontal diseases should seek out a New York periodontist in order to avoid bone and tooth loss. Periodontists have the training to insert and maintain dental implants as well as engage in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of other periodontal diseases and oral inflammation.
Find a Periodontist Near You
To get started with your local New York periodontist, sign up for EDP’s affordable dental plan today. You’ll have the benefit of a free cleaning at select dentists (a $90 value), superior plan flexibility and top-rate dental health care. EDP’s dental plans are $149 per year for individuals ($14 per month), $199 for couples and $249 for whole families and easily pays for itself, frequently on the very first appointment.
Plan for the future and find a participating New York periodontist today. EDP offers a full line of specialty dental professionals including New York periodontist healthcare providers, pediatric dentists, endodontists, orthodontists, oral & maxillofacial surgeons, oral surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists and general dentists.
You can enroll by using our registration form, or by calling a friendly EDP representative at (631) 272-5230. Sign up today and enjoy true freedom and affordability.